Meet SIMA INNOVATION in the Danish Pavilion in Hall 2, Stand 243
SIMA INNOVATION, a Danish family-owned business, is a preferred supplier of modular ringmounts, softmounts and turret solutions for military vehicles. Our substantial customer base includes The Danish Army, Special Operation Forces, OEMs and system integrators worldwide. We enhance operational capability and personal security under challenging conditions. Since 2006, we have developed Lightweight Motorized Ringmounts, first delivered to the Danish Army in Afghanistan in 2007. Our commitment to quality, innovation, and safety ensures we remain a trusted partner in the defense and security industries.
At the core of Sima Innovation stands “Innovated for soldiers, by soldiers”. We strongly believe that our customers and their experiences is the best foundation for building optimized solutions. We listen and we adapt to our partners and end-users to ensure that the boots on the ground are BETTER PROTECTED. Only when being protected is the soldier capable of defending their comrades no matter the vehicle or terrain, without suffering from the fatigue of operating manual ringmounts.
At Future Forces Forum 2024 Sima Innovation look forward to elaborating on our modular motorized ringmounts and turrets – and to forge new connections with industry and end-users.
“We have an excellent experience with the Ringmounts from Sima Innovation.
Their flexible construction, reliability in harsh conditions and light weight makes it a good choice for our vehicles.”
Major, Danish Army Combat Centre
Read more on the Sima Innovation website.
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