Air Force Commander's Gala Ball
On Friday, 10 January, the elegant Zofin Palace in Prague hosted a special event organized by the FUTURE FORCES FORUM – the 2nd Gala Ball of the Czech Air Force Commander – marking the proud revival of this cherished tradition by the Future Forces Forum in 2024.
The evening brought together over 1,000 representatives of the aviation community, including distinguished guests from defence, security, as well as rescue services. In addition to the Czech Air Force Commander, MG Petr Čepelka, this year the ball was attended also by the Commanders of the Air Forces of Germany, Austria and Poland, underlining the importance of international partnerships.
"The Air Force Ball is not just a celebration and social event – it’s a symbol of the strong ties and mutual respect that unite the Air Force community, both nationally and internationally," shared Adam Drnek, main organizer and Executive Director of FFF.
A big thank you to all the partners, including Lockheed Martin, OMNIPOL, ERA, Aircraft Industries, Embraer, PBS GROUP, CSG Aerospace, and many others, without whose support the ball could not take place on this scale.
We already look forward to the 3rd Air Force Ball scheduled on 9 January 2026.
More information is available at
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