Financial collection for direct purchase of material from Czech suppliers for aid to Ukraine
Press release of the Embassy of Ukraine in Prague:
Account for immediate help for the defence of Ukraine: 304452700/0300
We are calling on everyone to financially support the collection for immediate assistance for the procurement of military equipment for the Ukrainian army and the Home Guard. Ukraine's armed forces and militia are now in urgent need of military material to defend their homes, their country and national sovereignty.
The Embassy and the Office of the Defence Attaché of Ukraine in Prague has a list of specific requirements of the Ukrainian army that can be immediately procured from Czech companies. This collection will enable all friends and supporters of Ukraine to contribute to stopping Russian aggression.
How can you help?
The Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic has a bank account (304452700/0300) to which funds can be sent for the subsequent purchase of defence equipment. Donors will therefore send a financial donation directly to the Ukrainian Embassy in the Czech Republic.
The collected funds will be used by the Embassy of Ukraine to select and purchase defence material in cooperation with defence experts and representatives of the Defence Section of the Chamber of Commerce and the Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic. In coordination with the state authorities, the Chamber of Commerce, the DSIA and the Ukrainian Embassy, the statutory administration and subsequent logistics of delivery will be ensured.
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