European Cyber Security Challenge 2021


One of the events organized within the FUTURE FORCES FORUM is the just finished European final of the European Cyber Security Challenge 2021 (ECSC 2021). ECSC is a key activity of the European Union Agency for Cyber Security (ENISA). It aims to support cyber security talents across Europe and harness their potential in public organisations, private companies and science and research.

The final of the competition took place in Prague on 28th  September - 1st October 2021 with the participation of more than 400 students and experts from the defence and cyber sector, a total of 18 teams from the EU and a team from Canada competed. The preparations lasted more than 2 years and involved a number of Czech students such as SSPŠ and Gymnázium in Prague, Czech Technical University and University of Defence, including experts from AFCEA, the Czech Cyber Security Working Group and representatives of the Czech Republic's National Cyber Security Competition and many others.

The ECSC European final is a great opportunity for young ethical hackers and enthusiasts in cyber security to showcase their skills, knowledge and ability is solving different cyber tasks, like crypto, forensics, reverse engineering, securing software and hardware vulnerabilities, and also showing the ability to work as a team.

The ECSC is not just a competition. The AFCEA Czech chapter and its partners organized also rich accompanying professional program for the EU delegations, guests and experts, e.g. international conference focused on AI & cyber security so called „Does the brain stands a chance? “, table-top exercises for managers, horizon news live studio with a lot of interviews focused on cyber awareness and cyber security, and other activities.

The event was supported by many governmental, academia and private sector partners. The National Cyber and Information Security Agency (NÚKIB) was the main guarantor of the ECSC.

The winner of the ECSC European final was the German team, followed by team of Poland and team of Italy. The next edition of ECSC will be organized in Vienna, Austria, in fall 2022.

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